We provide a holistic approach to an accessible natural alternative form of therapy


Acupuncture is an alternative form of treatment that involves inserting and manipulating fine, sterile needles into the body. Sometimes, the treatment can include heat therapy and electrotherapy. We may also apply liniments and oils to help warm your body, increase blood circulation and aid in the healing process.

Each person experiences acupuncture differently. You should feel an occasional sharpness and other sensations during acupuncture, but you should not encounter pain. We only use single-use sterile premium quality needles made of high-grade surgical steel.

The most important thing during the treatment is that you are comfortable, assured and relaxed.

Please inform your practitioner if you have any concerns or are experiencing any discomforts during the treatment.

Chinese Herbal Medicine

Chinese herbal medicine is the application of herbs from the Chinese herbal medicine materia medica in the treatment of diseases and ailments.

At Eastern Vitality, we use herbs in the granulated powder form for ease of preparation and consumption. The preparation involves mixing a few teaspoons of the provided herbs with hot water and stirring well. Other options such as vege gel capsules encapsulation or ready made patent pill herbal formulas are available.

All herbs provided are government-regulated and from within the TCM materia medica. Almost all herbs are plant-based, with only a tiny portion of animal origin. We strongly condemn the use of endangered species in Chinese herbal medicine.

Please inform your practitioner if you have any dietary requirements.


Cupping is a form of Chinese medicine therapy involving the application of suction onto a localised skin surface produced by a heated glass cup. The goal of cupping is to draw blood circulation to the area and help muscle tissues release toxins.

Your practitioner may also apply sliding cupping by moving the cup on your oiled skin. This method provides a similar effect to remedial massage, where movement and manipulation of muscle tissue help relieve the tension.

Cupping therapy is commonly used in conjunction with acupuncture treatment or massage therapy to loosen up muscle tissue further.

Cupping will leave painless 'bruise-like marks' due to the suction from the cups bringing stagnant Qi and blood to the skin surface, which will disappear in a few days.

Please inform your practitioner if this is going to be inconvenient for you.